Another Bridge
Anita HelmThe day after:
I was so late to learn about the recent shooting in Highland Park, IL.
So infrequently do I allow myself a break. I tuned out the news, no alarm clock and the pup and I stayed in relax mode.
Late in the day, when I finally ventured out to check in on an elderly neighbor and brother, I said anything new in the news. I didn't expect anything to be returned by the reply other than the typical fireworks stuff.
His reply on the latest shooting punched me unexpectedly in my face.
I don't know why it did, but it landed.
Hearing mass shooting, dead, parade, 4th of July knowing I had just relaxed through it was just another bridge too far.
How many more bridges before we reach the conclusion that we need to come together on some resolution. I won't say the 4 letter dirty word that sets sides apart here in this message but I am THINKING IT!
The greed, the politics, the red, white and blue are bleeding in our streets.
I hope for the sake of the individuals, the collective and our country we can figure this crazy out before another child, grandma, dad, cousin or friend takes their last breath doing something we all have come to love.
The next time I tell my friends and family have a safe and joyous holiday I'll lean in to know how truly I mean it.
#4 Dōes Productions #AnitaBShakin