Dear Dads
Anita HelmHappy Father's Day weekend.
Fatherhood is precious and a privilege.
May the LORD give you strength to seek Him as you lead boys and girls to manhood and womanhood.
His guidance allows you to LOVE and LIVE steering your and others' children toward their God-given potential and destiny. Yes, it is hard work and thankless at times. The work and the fruit of your labor is worthwhile. Your sacrifices are treasures. We see the ruin of those who don't take it to heart and abandon their seats at many children's tables.
No, you don't get the flowers, the candies, or the commercials, but many of you embrace the responsibility with strong arms. Strong arms accompanied by broad and strong shoulders. The LORD built you for the children and loved ones who would depend upon them.
May the fathers in heaven receive their rewards from GOD ALMIGHTY. May you fathers here on earth with help meets and children receive the loving arms this weekend. May you fathers doing it alone feel cherished. May you mothers thriving to mirror two roles hold tight to THE FATHER.
I share with you my words of embrace for the Dads (both of my Williams) that were in my own home who now are with Our Father.
All around the world take your responsibility seriously and have a joyous weekend.
Love Anita